March's Tool of the Month

Step 1 Coaching Preparation Checklist.JPG

When we discuss 1-1 Coaching with Leader Managers we often hear "I meet with my Direct Reports every week!" or "I see them everyday. We talk all the time!"

We think it's worth acknowledging (and celebrating) when Leader Managers and their Direct Reports are consistently meeting and communicating about the work they're doing. However, we want to clarify and define, what is 1-1 Coaching and why is it so important for an organization?

Coaching is applying yourself personally to the process of developing those you are leading to help them reach their fullest potential, resulting in their highest productivity.

Engaging in the 1-1 Coaching Process institutionalizes and formalizes feedback mechanisms and creates a culture of discipline. This feedback provides a monthly developmental opportunity for you and your Team Members to:

  • Focus on being more effective (not perfect!)

  • Seek and provide clarity

  • Give and receive feedback

  • Focus on greater good

  • Share and cheer progress

  • Touch base with your Team Member on their personal and professional "well-being"

So, how do you develop a coaching program at your organization?

We're glad you asked!

Over the next four months we will share one of the four steps to set you and your Teams up for success.

  • Step 1: Preparation (March)

  • Step 2: Orientation (April)

  • Step 3: Implementation (May)

  • Step 4: Performance Assessment (June)

Step 1: Preparation

  • Communicate + Schedule Monthly 1-1 Meetings for 45-60 minutes in length. Share with your Team Member your intent to "formalize their development"

  • Review your Direct Report's current job description and develop a Team Member Profile (see February's Tool of the Month)

  • Ask your Direct Report to draft their Annual Development Objectives in advance of the Initial Coaching Session (see January's Tool of the Month)

  • Administer Assessment + Communication Profiles If Appropriate (i.e. DiSC, Change Readiness, StrengthsFinder)

  • Complete Associate Development Worksheet (we'll cover this in detail over the summer)

Look out for Step 2: Orientation and the Initial Coaching Agenda on April 14, 2020 



Listen with a pen and save your notes electronically using technology from Rocketbook!



by John Maxwell



Join us + support a GREAT cause Saturday, March 14 from 6-11 P.M. at The Imperial's Grande Ballroom in Lancaster City for Eat, Drink, Dance + Be Irish!

All ticket proceeds benefit The Mix at Arbor Place.

Ticket includes food and two free drinks! A good time will be had by all with live music by Smooth Like Clyde, cornhole, Irish Dancers and raffles to win cash prizes between $250-$1,000!

Click here to purchase your tickets. Free parking available.
