October's Tool of the Month

Effective Project Management

Many of us have found ourselves and our Teams wading through this year with a higher than normal volume of team member transitions, deadlines, projects and assignments (all at once!). 

We're sorting out communication strategies, reentry schedules, onboarding and transition plans and more all while we continue to serve our Clients, Customers, fellow Team Members and key stakeholders as efficiently and effectively as possible. 

How do we prioritize and formalize objectives, track progress, communicate status updates and ultimately, deliver the desired results? 

We recommend Teams (and/or Team Members) identify and implement a Project Management Tool and/or System to bring order to the chaos, unity to the silos and organization to the confusion. 

There are many project management and organizational tools out in the world (see our Party on the Patio Project Plan and Smartsheet for two examples). 

Below is our simplified and preferred method for on-going and one-time Project Management Oversight & Facilitation. We break it down in two phases:

Phase 1) Creating a Plan for The Plan:

  1. Communicate & Meet: Request and set up a meeting between the appropriate individuals 

  2. Identify Impact: Crystalize roles, identify affected/interested/general parties, prioritize objectives and specify the timeline 

  3. Clarify Communication Strategy & Next Steps: Develop an on-going communication strategy and assign specific action items to individuals and teams with on or before dates

  4. Overcommunicate the Plan: Distribute a follow up email after each meeting to clarify next steps and schedule the next meeting if appropriate

Phase 2) Executing The Plan:

  1. Establish on or before dates and assign responsibility/oversight

  2. Set expectations around communicating updates and follow up (who, what and when - daily, weekly, monthly, etc.,) - revisit the expectations as appropriate

  3. Communicate proactively and consistently with the appropriate parties

  4. Evaluate & Celebrate progress and shift as needed

  5. Overcommunicate! Distribute a follow up email after each meeting to clarify next steps and schedule the next meeting if appropriate

Depending on the scenario and timeline (one-time versus on-going projects) you or your Team may cycle through these steps more rapidly and/or fluidly!

Stay tuned for the November edition as we address Planning Methods and Strategies where you can take action on managing the planning process, objective(s) or goal(s) using this month's Tool of the Month! 



This platform will enable you and your Team to collaborate, communicate and manage projects and assignments in one cohesive space.


The Fred Factor

By Mark Sanbord

Coming 2021!

The Keystone
Professional Course

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

What is it?

A one-day virtual learning experience for Professional and Corporate Support Team Members

What's the application?

This six hour course will enable Participants to develop their professional skills, identify core executive administrative principles and practice key support techniques and concepts.

What concepts will be included?

Project Management, Communication Etiquette, Professional Courtesies, Setting and Managing Expectations, Confidentiality, Emotional Intelligence

Can you tell me more?

Absolutely, for more information or to register, 
email Katie Williamson at katie@lauraschanz.com.
You can also click here to view and download the flier.

Erica Moe [The Conductor]
Katie Williamson [Master of Smooth Operations]