On-Going Coaching Agenda + 1-1 Talking Points
Click here to view and download the On-Going Coaching Agenda.
Click here to view and download the 1-1 Talking Points.
Dear Business Partners and Friends,
We’re excited to share Step 3 of the 1-1 Coaching Process in this month’s edition of The Tool of the Month! We hope these tools will provide a vehicle for you and your Team Members to implement a robust and disciplined individual personal and professional development process.
We’ve found 1-1 Coaching is both an art and a science and trust the resources found here will provide you with an opportunity to stay connected to your Direct Reports as you lead, manage and serve others each day.
If you've followed along since March, you've walked out the preparation and orientation action items in Step 1 (March) and Step 2 (April). Now, onto Step 3, Implementation!
Following the Initial Coaching Session, begin to utilize the "On-Going Coaching Session Agenda." This will serve as a resource to capture relevant meeting information and current action items to follow up on at the next 1-1.
You may be asking yourself, "Yes, but what do we talk about?" or "How do we create action items connected to someone's development?"
Those are great questions!
We've developed a list of "1-1 Talking Points + Additional Questions" to provide you with a resource to surface specific opportunities and action steps to develop others.
For example:
Discuss why or why not they agree with their DiSC (communication profile) and Change Ready profile assessment results.
This particular discussion example can open doors to sharing communication challenges and successes among Teams, between specific Team Members and/or between the two of you (Leader Manager + Direct Report).
Additionally, based on your Team Members’ responses, together you can identify an opportunity to enhance their effectiveness by creating a process, leading a special project or taking steps to build a relationship with a co-worker as a basis for holding a Crucial Conversation.
As we wrap up, please note this list of Talking Points is simply a guide and we encourage you to add to or create your own!
We hope you continue to impact on during this season and wish you and your Team the very best always.
Look out for Step 4: Performance Assessment on June 9, 2020!
Monday Morning Messages
Each Monday, Laura shares a Message with our Business Partners + Friends. You can view previous Messages here and you can sign up to receive the weekly message by emailing Katie at katie@lauraschanz.com.
This week, we shared a COVID 19 Mitigation Strategies Template using LiveBinder.
Managing From The Inside Out
Fall 2020
Dates (Wednesdays)
October 7, 14, 21, 28
November 4, 11, 18
Morning Session Only
8:30-11:30 A.M.