Get the jump on the 2022 goal rush!
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We have decided to prepare for the New Year’s resolution goal rush by closing the 2021 Tool of the Month series with goal setting. Planning and goal setting is a vital process for achieving long term, sustainable results all the while giving the gift of clarity and direction to and for others. When leaders provide clarity, anxiety is lowered, trust is built, and the path forward is paved with intentionality allowing Team Members to focus their efforts on desired outcomes. Don Hutson, our friend and author of the business classic, The Sale, states ‘a goal is anything you want to do, be or achieve.’ The question then is, what do you want to achieve? After all, Yogi Berra himself said, “if you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else!”
Before we dive deeper, let’s consider why we avoid setting goals in the first place. One may resist declaring goals or delay setting goals because of fear of failure or an unconscious or conscious desire to avoid accountability or fear of loss of control or lack of options or a low personal need for clarity or direction… the list goes on! However, if we could simply see that goals are not a future measure of failure and instead see goals as simply informative goal posts to guide our thoughts and actions toward meaningful progress, we may be more open to engaging in a thoughtful goal setting process.
Everyone has three categories of resources: time, energy, and money. Goal setting provides clarity and serves as a guide when making resource allocation decisions. The vital question then is, what is the highest and best use of our resources?
As you and your Team Members set out to identify your goals, we would like to highlight two methods we believe facilitate effective growth and development. First, the Goal Setting Process and second, the Goal Achievement Practices. Engaging in effective goal setting processes is the springboard for achieving desired results.
Goal Setting Process:
Surface your organization’s Business, Strategic and Succession Plans to align your individual and team goals with the organization’s plan(s)
Identify and separate Performance Goals (think metrics, measurements, and operational objectives) from Professional Development Goals (typically include objectives as related to characteristics, skills, and experiences)
Finalize your two to three Quarterly Performance Goals and two to three Professional Development Goals, you may have more than three goals, but select two to three to start
Identify an internal process for consistent check-ins to share and cheer progress and reevaluate for possible revisions and realignment
Take action!
Goal Achievement Practices:
Schedule and hold consistent meetings to review Performance Goals and Professional Development Goals at the individual, team, and organizational levels at consistent and regular intervals, quarterly at the minimum
Cheer progress not just results – we often overlook the value and significance of incremental progress, most things in life happen and unfold incrementally!
Monitor and measure relevant metrics
Develop a mechanism for trend analysis and a method to interpret the trends
Integrate outcomes into future goal setting and planning processes
Without focus, intentionality, and a commitment to purpose and discipline, we naturally wind up in places we don’t want or set out to be. When we share and integrate an effective goal setting and goal achievement process, we create an internal disciplined mechanism for individuals and teams alike and develop a culture in which anxiety is lowered, clarity is shared, and trust is built.
As Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, shares, disciplined people lead to disciplined thought which leads to disciplined action. We encourage you to anticipate, and avoid, the goal rush this year - set yourself and your Team Members up for the most effective and productive year to come!
For more information on Performance Goals, feel free to revisit the August Tool of the Month and for more information on Professional Development Goals, feel free to revisit the October Tool of the Month.
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In depth job description information to aid in creating, refining and developing Team Member Profiles
2022 Managing From The Inside Out Dates
Winter 2022
February 2, 9, 16, 23
March 2, 9, 16
Spring 2022
May 4, 11, 18, 25
June 1, 8, 15
Fall 2022
October 5, 12, 19, 26
November 2, 9, 16
Classes are held weekly and in person from 8:30-11:30 A.M. in Lancaster at the Cork Factory Hotel. To view and download the 2022 flier with additional session information, please click here.
Register today to engage in professional growth and development as a Leader Manager and join us for Managing From The Inside Out! Simply email Katie Williamson at to reserve a seat for yourself or a Team Member. The 2022 Registration Fee is $1,195.