Special Edition: Tool of the Month

Pandemic Impact Report

Click here to view and download the
andemic Impact Report Template + Tracking Spreadsheet

Dear Business Partners and Friends,

Due to the unique circumstances we are all facing, we are sharing a Special Edition of our Tool of the Month and hope this edition brings value to you and your Team Members. 

It is abundantly clear we are experiencing an epic and historic event where there is no playbook and where circumstances are changing moment by moment requiring a myriad of decisions to be made with the best judgement and information at hand possible. 

We recognize there is a tremendous amount of COVID-19 information being disseminated and we are choosing not to enter the conversation regarding health or legal related C-19 best practices, as that is certainly not an area of our expertise.

We do however want to provide you with a Special Edition of our Tool of The Month to provide you with two resources we created as a result of a conversation we had with a CEO last week. The CEO has wisely implemented a daily Leadership/Management Team Meeting for 1 hour each day to address the C-19 impact and their Team’s ever evolving response.

Recent news publications are indicating C-19 will be considered a “covered cause of loss” as it relates to Business Interruption Insurance Coverage and Claims.  We urge you to check with your Business Insurance Broker and or Risk Management Professional to determine the possible extent of coverage available

We hope these tools aid in potential resource recovery. It is vitally important to clearly and accurately record the following: extra expenses incurred, business interruption + contingent business interruption, and opportunity costs.

A few examples of potential increased and added expenses are included in the template. We highly recommend you reach out to the following professionals to explore as many resource recovery sources as possible:

  • Accountant/CPA

  • Attorney/Legal Counsel

  • Banking/Credit Partners

  • Business Insurance Broker/Risk Manager

  • Financial Advisor

  • Legislative Representatives (Local, State and Federal)

Capturing valid data will:

  • Allow for maximum recovery of available resources

  • Aid in future risk and crisis management decision-making

  • Provide a platform for business and strategic planning as Phase 1 of the Pandemic subsides and we enter Phase 2, Recovery

By following the link you will find two templates we hope will serve as a valuable resource guide and will help you and your Team Members assess and capture relevant and critical data on a daily basis. 
The templates are certainly not all encompassing; we hope nonetheless, they serve as a platform to maximize precious resources as you ensure the short and long term human and economic viability and sustainability of your organization and those you serve. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if we can be of support in any way or to schedule your Action Cures Fear! complimentary virtual 45 minute Team Session. 
Keeping the faith with you as we continue to serve others with hope, courage and a focus on others,

Laura, Erica + Katie

“What you know today can affect what you do tomorrow. 
But what you know today cannot affect what you did yesterday."

-Condoleezza Rice  


Alera Group’s Coronavirus Resource Center, thanks to our Partner Pat Moran and the Team at the INGROUP Associates


Contact us to schedule a Complimentary (That Means Free!) Team Action Cures Fear! Virtual 45 Minute Session focusing on Resourcefulness, Resilience and Respect